


Your Trusted Veterans Burial Professionals:

When it comes to a Veteran’s final wishes we know that making the right choices for you and your family can be daunting. To help you make the right decision we take a commonsense approach – we ask questions, listen to your answers and only then recommend the type of policies that will fit your particular needs.

Final Expense and Final Wishes:

  • Most Veterans don’t realize that the VA only covers a very  small portion of their funeral and burial expenses.
  • Covering the cost of your  burial and funeral  can be excessive.
  • Coordinating with the VA to ensure that you  receive all that you are entitled to can be complex.
  • Not having your  final wishes written down can be overwhelming to your family in their time of grief.

We are here to be a trusted resource so your familiy can have time to grieve:

We've got you covered:

  • We will provide resources that will  assist with  the coordination of VA burial benefits.
  • We will help you implement your final wishes in writing .
  • We will  assist you in providing affordable financing so you can receive the dignified and honorable farewall that you deserve.

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